Hannah’s Project
I am a Seminary & Institute Program Administrator and I have registered 20 students and about 10 are actively participating. I hold classes twice a week and it has been productive.
The students are learning so fast and are excited to practice what they are learning. I know strongly that this application software skill will help some of them get part-time jobs after high school. You know, they live in a rural area, and not every child like them has such an opportunity. Also, these skills are required in computer centers in their environment.
Additionally, I realized that most branches of the church here don’t have clerks that are computer literate. It makes it difficult for them to magnify their calling. I know as my students who are Aaronic priesthood holders continue learning this skill they will be able to better magnify their callings as clerks that they will become someday.
More so, they will have an increased capacity to teach others and the chain will continue to grow.
I’m excited to see them improve each day. I give them quizzes and practice exercises to help measure their performance. I plan to offer certificates at the end of the course (after three months). They’ll sit for exams that would qualify them to receive these certificates.
The journey has not been quite easy because of limited computers, but I improvise by seeking permission from the priesthood leader to use the church computer. I’m grateful for the experiences that I am having. I know there is great joy in serving others. It is indeed more important to serve than to be served.
Thank you for triggering all of these. Your benevolence is one of a kind.